Lingjianzi's Formula for Daoyin Exercise

Lingjianzi was the Taoist name of Xu Sun (239-374), an outstanding exponent of the Taoist methods of health keeping who completed large amounts of theoretical research and accumulated a wealth of experience in extending the lengths of human lives. Following is a set of exercise handed down from him and demonstrated by Li Shixin, director of the Beijing University Wushu and Qigong Association.


Qigong Demonstration Fig 1
Qigong Demonstration Fig 2
Qigong Demonstration Fig 3
Qigong Demonstration Fig 4
Qigong Demonstration Fig 5
Qigong Demonstration Fig 7
Qigong Demonstration Fig 8
Qigong Demonstration Fig 9
Qigong Demonstration Fig 10
Qigong Demonstration Fig 11
Qigong Demonstration Fig 12
Qigong Demonstration Fig 13
Qigong Demonstration Fig 14
Qigong Demonstration Fig 16
1. Preparatory Posture

Sit cross-legged with left foot tucked under right thigh and right foot under left thigh, upper body comfortably erect, chin slightly drawn in, shoulders relaxed, elbows naturally bent, eyes looking ahead. Place both hands on lower abdomen, with right hand over left hand, so that laogong points of both hands fall in line with dantian point below navel. Keep calm and relaxed.

2. Lift Both Palms Overhead

Draw hands apart and lift them slowly up to chest level, then slowly turn palms up with an inward rotation of forearms while continuing to lift them up overhead, eyes following movement of both hands and head thrown slightly back. When the hands are extended to the highest position, the palms are turned upward and a curve is formed by the thumbs and forefingers. Looking at the back of the hands, bend body from side to side three times. Pause for 3-5 seconds before slowly lowering hands to preparatory position, moving them down along the same path as they traversed when they were lifted overhead. Repeat the whole process three times.

Points for attention: Hand movements should be slow and evenly paced. Fix your eyes on the back of hands when they are above head level, but look ahead when they come down to lower positions. Breathe naturally and do not hold your breath.


3. Draw a Bow 

Take the preparatory posture. Slowly separate hands and draw them down to the left side with palms facing inward. Extending left arm and bending right arm, lift both arms up to shoulder level with left palm turned downward and leftward and right palm turned inward. Turn left palm upward and lift forefinger while keeping the other fingers naturally flexed. At the same time, thrust right elbow to the right so that right arm doubles up at shoulder level, right palm turned slightly upward, forefinger pointing upward and to the left, eyes looking to the left. Pause for 3-5 seconds before resuming the preparatory posture by slowly moving both arms back along the same path they traversed in taking the "draw-bow" gesture. Repeat the above movements, reversing "right" and "left." Do three repeats on each side.

Points for attention: Relax your hands when you lift them up. When both arms are lifted up to shoulder level, extend left arm to the left and draw right elbow to the right as much as possible as if you were drawing a bow. Breathe in with your nose when lifting your arms, and breathe out. with your mouth when lowering them.

4. Lift Single Palm Overhead

Start with the preparatory posture. Clench right hand and place fist on right side of lower back. Meanwhile, lift left hand up while slowly turning it outward with an inward rotation of left forearm, so that left palm faces forward when it comes to ear level, with thumb and forefinger forming a curve. Lift left hand further up until left arm is straightened, palm side facing upward, fingers pointing to the right. Throw head back and fix eyes on the back of left hand.

Resume the preparatory posture before repeating the above movements, reversing "right" and "left."

Points for attention: Lift your hand slowly and gently. When it reaches the highest point, try to stretch your arm as much as possible while pressing hard on your lower back with the fist of the other hand. Inhale with your nose when lifting your hand and exhale with your mouth when lowering it. Focus your attention on the movements and follow them with your eyes.


5. Look Over the Shoulder

Start with the preparatory posture. With left hand covering dantian point, hold left elbow with right hand. Then, keeping body and arms still, turn head as far back to the left as possible. Turn head back to the front and repeat the above movements, reversing "right" and "left." Do three repeats on each side.

Points for attention: Do not bend or tilt your head when you turn it. The turning should be done to the maximum degree, and there should be a little pause before the resumption of the preparatory posture. Inhale when turning your head to one side and exhale when turning it back to the front. Try to hold all other parts of the body still when turning your head.

6. Spread the Wings

Start with the preparatory posture. Spread arms at shoulder level with palms turned downward, all other parts of the body kept still, eyes looking ahead. Then lean upper body to the left and lower left arm with palm still facing downward, while lifting right arm and keeping eyes on right hand. Repeat the above movements, reversing "right" and "left." Do three repeats on each side. Finally, lower both hands to the preparatory position.

Points for attention: The movements of the two hands should be gentle and well coordinated. Breathe naturally in harmony with the body and hand movements.


7. Pull the Toes

Sit with torso erect, hands on dantian point as in the preparatory posture. Legs are drawn together and extended to the front, toes pointing upward, eyes looking ahead. Then, bending upper body forward, grab toes of both feet with hands and pull them toward your body, with chin lifted slightly and eyes on tips of toes. Pause for 3-5 seconds before releasing toes, slowly straightening up torso and placing hands back to dantian point. Repeat the above movements three times.

Points for attention: Reach your hands as far out to the front as possible. If you are not supple enough to reach the toes, you may as well grab hold of your ankles or even some part of your lower legs.


8. Beat the Heavenly Drum.

Start with the preparatory posture. Cover both ears with hands and, with fingers pointing backwards, use the forefingers of alternate hands to tap the back of the head 36 times.

Points for attention: Do not press the ears too hard. See that you hear a hollow sound like the beating of a drum when you tap the back of the head with your forefinger. If the sound is dull and abrupt, you should reduce the pressure on your ears. After completing the whole set of exercise, sit still in silence for 3-5 minutes with eyes half closed, hands covering dantian point. Finally, open your eyes and rise slowly to limber up a bit before ending the session.


Reprinted with permission from Martial Arts of China presents Chi Kung Issue 1